
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Champagne Valley

February 28, 2014

No, this is not Ireland. Or New Zealand. Or British Columbia. 

Welcome to the Drakensberg in the summer. Compared to our first visit to the Berg, it doesn't even look like the same place (or the same continent for that matter!). The sun-burnt grass and dry straw earth have been exchanged for a massive blanket of lush greenery covering every corner of the Berg. 

Our first visit to the Berg included more of the northern parts of this famous mountain range (in the Royal Natal National Park), while this visit we decided to head to the Central Berg area, otherwise known as Champagne Valley (within the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park). Within the valley are three main peaks: Monk's Cowl, Champagne Castle and Cathkin Peak. This trip we opted for a more relaxing adventure (as opposed to a three-day hike); we stayed in a gorgeous resort right at the foot of the mountains and spent our weekend doing a short half-day hike (to the "Sphinx"), driving around the Midlands Meander in the Natal Midlands, and zip-lining through the tree-tops on a canopy tour. As expected, the Berg did not disappoint!

It felt like a scene from Lord of the Rings.

Even M couldn't resist taking pictures of the scenery.

Can you see the Sphinx?

Heading back towards the valley. 

The view from our room.

Relaxing at the Champagne Castle Hotel.

I'm not the biggest fan of baboons, but they are cheeky little suckers. You gotta give them that.

Heading into the Blue Grotto forest to fly through the trees and learn all kinds of interesting facts.

Interesting Canopy Tour Fact 1: each zip is called a "slide". This tour has 12 slides in total.

Interesting Canopy Tour Fact 2: The longest slide is 170m.

Interesting Canopy Tour Fact 3: The Blue Grotto forest is home to over 150 species of birds (including the uncommon Bush Blackcap- we did not see it, but apparently it lives in there somewhere).

Interesting Canopy Tour Fact 4: The highest slide is 60m. We were told this is the highest canopy tour slide in all of Africa.

Interesting Canopy Tour Fact 5: The Blue Grotto forest is over 10 000 years old. The platforms for the slides "hug" the trees but do not damage or puncture them. 

 M and I together with the rest of our tour group.

Gorgeous sunny day in the mountains.

Random cool mural in Champagne Valley. 

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