
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Sub Urban State

January 25, 2014

At the risk of turning this blog into a "Jozi Yearbook" of sorts, here are a few pictures from a recent hipster rooftop party we experienced (because you don't just attend Sub Urban State, you experience it). One of the main draws for me was that the event was located in downtown Jozi on a rooftop (of what appeared to be an old industrial building of sorts), and offered stunning views of the city in all directions as the sun set. We relished the fact that it was January, we were outside, and enjoying the end of another 28°C day. Cheers to that!

Summer evening on the roof. Yes, a storm was on its way, but that always makes for the best-looking skies.

Enjoying mojitos on the roof.

"I Love Your Work" is one of the many public art displays in the city. It was done by the artist Clarke in February 2012. I don't know much else about it, but I know it's often photographed and has become recognizably "Joburg" (not quite the Eiffel Tower, but you get the idea). 

Jozi skyline and Sub Urban life co-existing.

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