
Sunday 9 March 2014

Coastal Christmas 13- Bainskloof Pass

January 2, 2014

Considered to be one of the most scenic routes in the Cape, Bainskloof Pass was build between 1848 and 1852, and aside from being paved, there have been minimal changes since it was first built. It transverses the Limietberg Mountains, and was constructed to provide a route from the town of Wellington to the interior of the country.

As we headed inland from the coast on our "Coastal Christmas" trip and worked our way slowly back to Joburg, we decided to take the scenic route on our way to the Karoo National Park.

We booked-ended the Bainskloof Pass drive by visiting a few wineries around the town of Wellington, and then stopped for lunch afterwards in the quirky and strange town of Matjiesfontein (an old railway town that has a slight Barkerville feel to it). Neither of these stops warranted being diarized in photos, but combined with the pass made for an interesting and eventful drive from Paternoster

It was a gorgeous sunny day when we drove through the pass, so I thought I'd share a few photos from the drive. Naturally, the photos never do justice to how breathtaking the scenery was. 

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