
Monday 24 February 2014

Welcome to the World, Quinn Joyce!

December 24, 2013

On December 23rd, 2013 at 10:45pm (Atlantic Standard Time), my fourth niece entered the world at a very healthy nine pounds, three ounces. I am dating this post for Christmas eve, because, well, it was Christmas Eve in South Africa when Quinn was born. 

While we were travelling along the coast of South Africa, technology stepped in to lend a hand: my eldest sister (not in labour) was texting me as things progressed (while we were watching the meerkats!), and Google+ once again made it possible for me to experience the magic and the chaos first hand, right there at the hospital with my entire family in one room. I was able to see sweet Quinn on Christmas Eve, less than 12 hours after she was born. While it isn't the same as physically being in the room with her, it was the next best thing, and was an unforgettable experience.  

I had a chance to have a video chat with my sister just days before she went into labour, and it was surreal to see her then, and then just a few short days later, now the mother of two gorgeous little girls.

Huge Congrats P, we are so proud of you and happy for your new family of four! Love you guys.

 Sleeping Beauty. 

 Yah! Kali's a big sister!

 Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

All the girlies in my family. L-O-V-E. 

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