
Sunday 23 February 2014

Coastal Christmas 8- Meerkats in Oudtshoorn

December 24, 2013

This post is for Mo. 

Back when moving here was nothing more than a pipe dream, Mo started saving for her trip to visit M and I in South Africa. I'm sure it was partly because she's very organized and practical like that, and maybe partly because she had faith that it would actually happen, but mostly I believe it was because she really wanted to visit the meerkats. And the rest of the country. But mostly the meerkats.

And so, when M and I were planning our Christmas trip, we simply could not pass Oudtshoorn without paying a visit to the meerkats. You know, to test it out and tell Mo whether it was worth it or not. And because Mo was so excited about it, it actually made me want to do it...

While there are other places in South Africa (and the rest of the world) where one can see meerkats in their natural habitat, this particular place is special because it is based entirely on a genuine interest in these specific creatures. The "tour" consists of getting up before the sun (4:30am!), and going with the Meerkat Adventures guys (these guys make researching meerkats their mission in life) to the meerkats' den before they wake up. As the sun rises and they start to stir, they come out into the sun to warm their bellies. Meerkats are "solar heated"- they need the sun to warm their bellies as this is how they maintain their body temperature. If the sun isn't out, they don't really bother to come out of their den, but rather dig in their den to warm themselves that way.

Since Meerkat Adventures observes this particular family of meerkats everyday, the meerkats are used to the sound of humans and are fine with it as long as everyone keeps a safe distance (Meerkat Adventures is based on observation only; they do not feed, pet or care for the animals in away way).

The lead meerkat was just coming out of the den when we got there, so we set up our chairs, sipped coffee, and watched as the other meerkat family members made their way up to the surface to start their day.

Watching the sun rise over the hills.

The sun bringing everything to life…

Getting instructions on what to do (sit in your chair and don't make any sudden movements).

Guard meerkat: watching as we approached. 

Second guy coming out of the den to join the "guard". 

"I got your back".

Even meerkats yawn!

These three remind me of my sisters: the two oldest on either side protecting the youngest sibling.

A few others join as the day starts to heat up.

Apparently they heard a noise...

All ten in the family together.

Doesn't M look thrilled to be watching little rodents at 5 in the morning? (photo courtesy of our Meerkat Adventures guide). 

Thanks for inspiring us to do this Mo! Can't wait for you to see these guys in person in a few months...

1 comment:

  1. OMG I'm so excited and I can't wait!!

    plus I laughed out loud at M's face becasue that's so going to be C and E when they find out this begins at the crack of dawn ;)
