
Tuesday 18 June 2013

The Art of Distance

June 1, 2013

Can distance connect people? In strange ways sometimes, I think it can manage to bring together people whose paths might not otherwise cross. When someone knows someone who knows someone who is also where you are, it only makes sense to meet up. Such is the story with B, a good friend of my brother-in-law, who has spent the last seven years living and working abroad, and found himself very recently working in Africa. Thanks for coming out with us B, we loved hearing your travel anecdotes and we look forward to meeting up again next time you're in Joburg!

A fun night out at Tokyo Star and Mish Mash, followed up by a repeat visit to The Office. 

Given an enthusiastic Saturday night out, Sunday was decidedly chill. Once a month Zoo Lake Park hosts "Art under the Sun", where local artists camp out for the day displaying their paintings, carvings, etc for sale. Earlier in the week our UK buddy S purchased his first DSLR camera, so we thought this would be a good venue to play around with the camera. As such, these photos are courtesy of S. I think he did a great job! So much so, in fact, that I think he might be pulling my leg that this is his first experience shooting in manual! 

Wandering through the art vendors on a crisp Sunday afternoon. Thanks for letting me share these, S!

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