
Wednesday 16 July 2014

The In-Between Times

May 5, 2014

While we managed to cram in a huge amount of exciting, news-worthy travelling and sight-seeing while Mom and Dad were here, sometimes it's the "in-between" times that make the best memories. It's the times we sat out at the patio table eating breakfast or drinking wine, lounging on the couch reading, grabbing an impromptu lunch at a cute cafe, or stopping at the giraffe guys to pick out the perfect souvenir that are the times I remember most from their visit. I thought I'd commemorate their six-week long trip around southern Africa with a few photos from the in-between times.

 Backyard breakfast- freshly reunited and freshly off their 25+ hour trip journey.

 Mom relaxing in the garden.

 Selfie at Zoo Lake on Mom and Dad's first day in SA!

Sharing wine with friends and family.

 Our flight's delayed? No problem. 44 Stanley here we come!

 Taking a walk over to "Art Under the Sun"- a monthly outdoor art gallery in a nearby park.

Chillaxin' on the couch. It's a rough life, but somebody's gotta do it...

 Pit stop lazy Saturday lunch at Fresh Earth.

Mom in heaven (aka Africa souvenir land in Parkview).

Negotiating for Mom's giraffey.

 I adore this photo- Dad doing the stare down while Mom's posing happily with her new friend!

 Lunch at Vovo Telo.

The last selfie of the trip- at the airport.

All packed up and heading home...thanks for letting us share our little bit of Africa with you guys!

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