

Moving abroad was always a dream of mine. Not necessarily so for my husband, M. In time (and maybe with a little convincing), he came to see what an amazing experience it could be, and knew that it was something we couldn't not do. And alas, the dream became an opportunity, and we jumped. All in, holding hands (and our breath), and moved from Alberta, Canada, to Johannesburg, South Africa.

When people ask me why South Africa, here is what I say:
1. The Climate- I'm not joking. I was not meant to live in a cold climate. I love the idea of living somewhere where there it is never really "winter".
2. The Travel Opportunities- there are so many amazing places to see in Southern Africa (and Northern Africa, and Western Africa, and Eastern Africa, etc, etc!), but it is so hard to really take it all in on "vacation" when you have a very limited amount of time (and the flights take up a sizeable chunk of that time...).
3. The Language- knowing that a move such as this would be a challenge in and of itself, it was important to me to be somewhere where I wouldn't have to add "learning a new language" to my must-do list. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't pick up languages easily or well, and I felt like ignoring that fact would be doing myself a disservice. It should be noted that since I do like to push the limits, I was well aware that while English is the main language in business, South Africa does in fact have 11 official languages.
4. The Career Opportunity- having global work experience really provides a perspective that you cannot gain other than actually living and working in another country. South Africa is one of the global leaders in terms of my field of expertise, and that is very interesting and appealing to me.
5. The People and the Culture- there is a warmth and passion in South Africans and I really wanted to learn more about where that comes from and the history that created that, despite the rough past/current circumstances that South Africa is more aptly known for.

And while it is not really part of my explanation, we also came for the story. Yes, it makes a hell of a good story, but what I mean is the story my husband and I can create together, doing something adventurous and unknown, together.

So here's to soaking it all up- one inspiring photo, random story, unique piece of history, glass of delicious wine, stunning golf course, pristine beach, seaside restaurant, hip coffee shop, hilly running route, and fabulous weekend getaway at a time!


  1. Love, Love, Love.....
    The pictures are beautiful and the story line a hoot!
    Feel like I am able to experience this incredible adventure with you.
    Thank You so much for taking the time to do this.
    Will make a wonderful treasure as a book.
    Hang on M. "I Do" had more than one meaning!
    Can't wait for the next up date.......

  2. Every time I think you have been some where "neat" you surprise me again.
    A picnic on the roof - "Cool"!

  3. I think I would like to "trot" around a zoo sometime.
    The pictures of Stanley44 are interesting - especially the books.
    How did you feel when inside the caves?
    Hard to believe bones could last so long.
    A very full day indeed.
