
Tuesday 4 August 2015

Briefly Homeward Bound

January 29, 2015

Best sign ever: "Welcome Home Auntie Alison! We love you!"

Me: "So, just to be clear, even though there is a new law that allows me to renew my work permit here in South Africa, you think I need to go back to Canada to file my application with South Africa for my work permit renewal?"

Immigration Consultant (IC): "Yes."

Me: "Why?"

IC: "The backlog in South Africa is very long."

Me: "But aren't all the permits for South Africa processed by South Africa?"

IC: "Yes."

Me: "So, aren't they just going to send it back to South Africa?"

IC: "Yes."

Me: "And that will be faster?"

IC: "Yes."

Me: "".

Admittedly this is a bit of a simplified version of a verdict that in reality took many months to reach, but once the decision was made that I should return to Canada, the IC was one hundred percent correct; it was very fast. I was issued my permit the same day I applied for it. And so, I flew back to Toronto, Canada, sans M, in the middle of winter, to renew my South African work permit.

To make the most of it, I made a quick trip to Nova Scotia to see my family and also managed to squeeze in visits with a few very dear friends. While the freezing cold and snow were a definite shock to my South-African-acclimatized system, it was a very heart-warming trip. To know we can now stay in South Africa to finish up our time here on our own terms, and to have some face-time with my family and friends, made for time well spent.

 So happy to see these ladies.

There was a lot of snow.

 Riley and I.

 My sister in her happy place.


 Lil' K isn't so sure about this "selfie" business...

My adorable niece was not deterred by the snow-covered roads in the slightest- she wanted to go for a bicycle ride. Thanks, Grampy!

Talking a walk in the woods.

Making good use of K's sled to pack a path through the woods.

An evening of Settlers.

 Mom's homemade lobster chowder...nothing like it!


 Ladies enjoying a spot of dessert wine. Thanks, Uncle T!

 Roll-up the Rim!

 This guy. So happy we were able to squeeze in a quick visit with your adorable family!

This lovely lady made the trip from Ottawa to spend a couple of nights with me in Toronto before I flew back to South Africa. What a fabulous way to round off my trip. 

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