
Thursday 30 January 2014

Coastal Christmas 2- Addo Elephant National Park

December 16, 2013

I have this theory that everyone who goes on a safari has one animal that they can't get enough of. While I am always on the lookout for the big cats, and love when we have a rare spotting or a cool photo opportunity, without fail there is one animal that I could watch for hours. Elephants. These amazing gentle giants fascinate me. 

Addo Elephant National Park was originally created to protect what few elephants remained in the Eastern Cape. Over the years more and more land has been donated and/or purchased, and it is now the third largest national park in South Africa. And, as the name suggests, it's the place to go if you want to see elephants.

I know I've posted a bazillion elephants photos over the past nine months, but I simply could not not share a few shots from our visit to Addo...

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