
Monday 15 July 2013

Constitution Hill

July 13, 2013 (Part 2)

Constitution Hill is a very real example of the changing South Africa, and of the new rising up from the old. 

The historical site of Johannesburg's notorious Old Fort prison complex dates back to 1892. In this place, thousands of people, including Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ganghi, were brutally punished and held here before South Africa become a democratic country. South Africa's new Constitutional Court was built out of the remains of the Old Fort, and is now where rulings occur on both constitutional and human rights matters. 

It also operates as a bit of a museum/historic tour, providing yet another window into South Africa's past. We did a little self-guided walking/photo tour of the complex. Views from the hill are dominated by the 269m Telkom Tower (tower with the pink ball on it in the pictures below). 

Admiring the view on the hill

Exploring the grounds and sights of Constitution Hill

Lunch at the Neighbourgoods Market, follow by drinks at the Great Dane (Springbok shots anyone?)

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