
Wednesday 11 December 2013

Packed with Love

November 25, 2013

Care package from home.

It is possible to get almost anything here, however; there still are a few things that I haven't been able to find (and have yet to locate a decent replacement). So, for my birthday this year, Mom and Dad sent me a few coveted things from Canada that I've been missing. Among other things, the list included cherry Nibs, Burt's Bees lip balm, and Tiger balm. They also threw in a few other fun treats that were sweet reminders of home. Above all though, it was just nice to open something from them and from home. While in the midst of buying a house and moving, they still managed to put this together for me (despite having to run all over town to find some of the items!). Big hugs, Mom and Dad!

When in Rome...

November 21, 2013

While Halloween is not really celebrated in South Africa, everyone still manages to get their fix for costume parties…both M and I had theme parties for our teams year-end functions (and both in the same week). Mine was a Rio Carnival blast, while M's was a rip-roaring 50's hop. And no, for the record we are not the largest fans of dress-up parties, but M and I paid a visit to the local party-supply shop all in the name of embracing the South African way…

Bring on the feathers, beads and glitter…

 …and then there's polka-dots, poodle skirts, and purple T-birds.

We're never ones to shy away from a photo booth.

Sunday 1 December 2013

The Smoke that Thunders

November 16, 2013

It has the largest sheet of falling water on earth. It is considered to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Mosi-Oa-Tunya, as Victoria Falls is known locally, is somewhere that both M and I knew we couldn't leave this continent without seeing.

The falls are very different at different times of the year. In the dry season the flow of the falls can be as low as one-tenth of the flow during the wet season. In the wet season, the entire 1.7km ridge is covered in water spilling over the earth, and the spray is so strong it is impossible to see the falls without getting soaked. In the dry season, the lower water levels make it possible to raft at the base of the falls, swim at the top of the falls, and see the flow of the Zambezi River from above.

We opted to visit in the dry season so we could swim in Devil's Pool, the naturally-formed rock pool at the very edge of Zambia. Enjoy the photos from a huge bucket-list weekend.

The Zambezi River Bridge- connecting Zambia to Zimbabwe, and a popular bungee jumping spot.

The falls from the Zambia side- the main falls can be seen at the far end of the gorge. 

Livingstone Island- where David Livingstone first discovered the falls, and named them after Queen Victoria.

The icing on the cake- a gorgeous rainbow marking the split between Zambia and Zimbabwe. 

 At the edge of Livingstone Island.

"Ya we did!" Devils Pool- considered by some to be one of the top 10 adrenaline experiences on the planet.

"Look Ma, no hands!"

It's a long way down…

It doesn't get much better than this…

Grinning ear to ear and loving every minute.

Relaxing at the Royal Livingstone and going for an afternoon swim…did I mention it was 38 degrees?

Enjoying an evening boat cruise on the Zambezi River.

The Zambezi is home to many hippos and crocs...definitely not a place you'd want to swim (oh, wait…did I mention we swam across the Zambezi to get to Devil's Pool?)

Seriously, there were a lot of hippos…probably the closest I've ever been to so many pods of them.

This guy was standing on the river bank as we floated by…it was as though he was planted there or something (just for the record, he wasn't).

One of the many crocs we saw resting on the river banks.

What better way to see the falls than from the sky? M and I each took a turn on a microlight flight over the falls.

My feet are in Zimbabwe while the propeller is in Zambia.

Watching the Zambezi spill over the edge of Zambia.

Can you spot the elephant below the left rear wheel?

M's turn to see the falls from up above- heading into Zimbabwe.

In no-mans land directly over the falls...

...and now back over to Zambia.

He was so focused on the view that this is the only photo he looked at the camera.

You wouldn't even know this guy is afraid of heights...

In and around the town of Livingstone, Zambia. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Streets of Purple

November 10, 2013

In late spring, something amazing happens in Joburg. All of the seemingly bare and twisty jacaranda trees bloom, and the streets are lined in beautiful bright purple trees. Jacarandas are not indigenous to South Africa; they were planted throughout the city over 100 years ago, and have formed an integral part of the city's identity. Interestingly, while a law was passed to allow the non-indiginous trees to stay, new trees are not allowed to be planted/imported. And so, when these ones are gone, so are the streets of purple. 

I may have had to scale a wall topped with an electric fence in order to take this photo (and the one before it), and the heavens may have also decided to lash back with a flash thunder storm at the exact moment I was standing on said wall...

Saturday 23 November 2013

The King Protea

November 9, 2013

Despite their leathery leaves and thistle-like centres, King Proteas are mysteriously striking and appealing flowers. Something about these strange and gorgeous flowers intrigues me, and it seems very fitting that they are South Africa's national flower. A lovely (and very sweet) couple of friends gave me a generous bunch of proteas for my birthday, and so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to make them the subject of a photo shoot (and, incidentally, a blog post): 

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Birthday by the Sea

November 1, 2013

After our first visit to Cape Town back in March, we knew this was a place we would come back to. We loved it. It's like taking the best parts of Vancouver, San Francisco and Sydney and rolling them all into one. When I had an opportunity to make a trip to the Mother City for work, I jumped on it, and bought an extra ticket for M to join me for the weekend. We re-visited some of our favourite spots (V&A Waterfront and Camps Bay), and also had a chance to visit a few new spots (Robben Island and the Old Biscuit Mill market). It was a timely visit as it happened to occur the weekend preceding my birthday, so it was a great chance to celebrate in style. Here is a glimpse of what turned out to be a very relaxing and sunny birthday weekend...

The Old Biscuit Mill & Neighbourgoods market made for a perfect Saturday morning (and when there's banana-bread-french-toast, who's arguing?).

It was too windy on our last visit to make the trip to Robben Island, so we made a point of going this time around. The view of Table Mountain and the city of Cape Town from Robben Island is stunning.

Exploring around Robben Island.

Receiving a tour by a former prisoner of the inside of the prison where Nelson Mandela spent 18 of his 27 prison years. 

V&A Waterfront: checking out the newest tourist attraction, a giant yellow picture frame. 

Late afternoon drinks and snacks at a beach club on Granger Bay.

Birthday dinner at the Cape Grace Hotel, followed by an evening visit to Madeba.

Walking up to a gorgeous view of the ocean, and spending the morning in Bantry Bay running along the seaside promenade followed by a walk to Camps Bay. 

Clifton Bay: home to the freezing Atlantic ocean, but gorgeous all the same.

Pure Bliss.

View of a lone kite surfer and Table Mountain from Bloubergstrand (just north of Cape Town).

Kite surfers enjoying the Monday evening winds.

Stunning pre-storm clouds over Table Mountain.